10 Tips for Throwing a Successful Bachelorette Party
4:19:00 PMI recently planned a Bachelorette Party for my best friend, Britnie. I was pretty stressed out leading up to it, planning a party in Minneapolis from my new home in Las Vegas, so I put in a lot of research. I just wanted everyone to have a good time. That was my goal. And I think it worked! Here are some tips to help you plan a bachelorette party if you're finding yourself a little overwhelmed.
1. Make sure to get a list of people to invite FROM the Bride. Do not rely on yourself to know every person you should or shouldn't invite. The Bride will know who she wants there..... and the last thing you want is to surprise her by inviting her future mother in law, buttoned-up relatives, or friends who aren't really her friends.
2. Send out a "Save the Date" as soon as possible! I did this over www.evite.com and it was quick and easy. Even if you don't have any plans for the party, you owe it to everyone to confirm the date.
3. Create a timeline and budget. The longer the party, the more money you'll spend. You need to be fair to everyone attending, and unless you pay for the entire party yourself (i.e. food, alcohol, lodging, games, gifts) then you should create a sensible budget. My rule: Don't plan a party that costs each person more than they would spend at the mall in one shopping trip.

5. Delegate games. Things can get repetitive and stale if you lead all of the games. I think it's great to involve the Bride's closest friends in leading different games. This engages them and makes them feel like they contributed to the fun. Your Bride will love it, and everyone will feel more involved. Not to mention, the more creative minds the better the outcome!
6. Pick lodging within walking distance of the activity. Don't want to be the sober driver? Concerned about the cost of a limo? Stressed about everyone taking taxis? If you stay at a hotel within walking distance of the bars, then you'll eliminate 50% of the stress involved with going out.

8. Get alcohol requests from your guests. If you're worried about what alcohol to buy, then just ask each person what their favorite drink is when they RSVP. Then you won't end up with 4 unopened bottles of tequila.
9. Propose a theme for the gifts. Party goers often stress about what to get the Bride. Lingerie? Something totally inappropriate? Spa goodies? Gift cards? Eliminate any stress and set the expectations with a theme or a game involved. For example, have everyone get the bride panties and create a game out of it where the Bride has to guess who gave her which pair.
10. Create a dress code. While you might forget what happened that night, you will certainly have pictures. And pictures last forever. I think photos look much more "frame-worthy" if there is a theme to them. I loved the idea of having the party goers wear one color and the bride wear another color.
Below are some pics from the party I hosted in Minnesota for my best friend. Love her!