Pregnancy Update Week 15-16: Our Dill Pickle, Weight Gain, and My Husband
1:27:00 PMHow is baby boy doing? Baby boy is the size of a dill pickle! He is moving like crazy, waving his hands, making faces, and his precious heart is pumping 24 quarts of blood every day. He can now sense light, so if I shine a flashlight on my tummy he will move and turn away from it. He can also hear my heartbeat, our voices, and music, so I love talking to him throughout the day. Our doctor said that in just two weeks he will be fully formed and all he will need to do is grow grow grow!
Total weight gain/loss? I'll be real honest here. Yesterday's weigh-in at my 16 week appointment had me in tears. Yes, I was the pregnant lady who was crying as she got off the scale. I was +7lbs from my pre pregnancy weight. I don't think I'm fat by any means, but it was a super sudden jump, and I've never weighed this much. It made me scared for what's to come. Yeah, I might be a little crazy, but I know I'm not the only one who has dealt with this. Adjusting is a process!
Maternity clothes? There's no way my normal jeans will button, so I've been using a Belly Band around my waist/hips to keep them up without having to zipper/button them. Luckily it's been sunny and 70's-80's here in San Diego, so dress season has arrived! I'm so relieved. Dresses are 1000x more comfortable and right now more comfort equals a better mood.
Sleep? It's been AMAZING. I don't think my husband has much room left in our bed with all my pillows, but the sleep has been glorious nonetheless. I see a King size in our future.
Best moment these weeks? Our 16 week ultrasound was incredible. I was really nervous going into this appointment because I had felt our baby move twice two weeks ago but I hadn't felt anything since then. My first time mom paranoia combined with the miscarriage in our last pregnancy had me fearing the worst. But when the doctor showed us our little boy on the screen a sense of peace washed over me. He looked like a real baby! He was waving at us and we could see so much detail... his cute little ribs and spinal cord and his beating heart. He is perfect.

Symptoms? Headaches, daily exhaustion, and uncontrollable hunger. This is a total breeze compared to the first trimester nausea.
Food cravings? Wentzel's Pretzels (seriously), Panera Chinese Citrus Cashew & Chicken salads, corn on the cob, and fruit... all the fruit, please!
What I miss? Nothing! I was never really an alcohol or sushi girl, so I haven't had to give up very much during this pregnancy... except for Diet Coke. That's a toughie.
What I'm looking forward to? I am so excited to feel strong kicks, but I'm even more excited for my husband to feel them. I'm also excited for when we choose his name! Wes and I are brainstorming ideas and it's so much fun.
Bump? My bump is starting to round out, and I'm so excited! I cannot wait to style it in cute fitted tops and dresses.
How is my husband holding up? My husband says that the pregnancy has gotten better for him in these past two weeks, too! He is relieved that I'm no longer feeling sick all of the time, and he legitimately said that I've been less emotional than he expected me to be (wait, what!?). I think both of those factors took a toll on him earlier in the pregnancy, so I'm glad he's getting a break! He deserves it. From my perspective my husband has been a total SAINT, completely selfless, always thinking of ways to help me get through the day whether that means helping me with my Etsy shop, sending me a surprise Edible Arrangements fruit bouquet, cleaning the house, filling up my car with gas, or giving me a Panera gift card so that I will be more likely to go out for lunch. He thinks of everything. Seeing how Wes handles me, our challenges, and our decisions makes me so happy that we are having a son. I would be so proud to have our son turn out like Wes.
Mama Dylan