The Most Hideous Things at Forever21

2:32:00 PM

Forever21 is one of those stores that you literally have to sift through like a garbage dump in order to find the things you want.  But, when you find them... 1) they're real gems, and 2) they're dirt cheap.   Unfortunately, in between all of the "gems" are tons of old banana peels and dirty diapers.  Let's take a look at their Spring/Summer 2011 collection!
Someone's dinner napkin got stuck to her lap.
This color could not be ANY more flattering.  I call it, "Wet Concrete."
Last I checked, high-waters were not in the forecast.
This is what happens when you try to squeeze into your American Girl doll outfits. 
Inspired by Mexican ponchos, the stomach flu, and schrooms.
This is why women are afraid to wear rompers.  Rightfully so. 
Mixture of "J.Crew" and S&M.  All she needs is a whip. 
Is this a moo-moo?
This is why 1/2 of teenage girls try to wear shirts as dresses.  Forever21 can't even decide what this is.  

For more on Forever21, check out my post: The Secret Behind Forever21.
  Hope you had a great weekend!

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